Admission Information

Graduate Student Residency Information

Two graduate students taking notes.

Residency refers to whether you are an in-state Florida resident or an out-of-state resident based on . This classification is important because it determines your tuition rate

Residency Determination

When you apply to USF, the Office of Admissions will determine your residency status based on the information on your application.

If we do not receive enough information to determine your residency, you will be classified as a non-Florida resident for tuition purposes.

Florida residency does not impact your admission decision, only your tuition rate. 

Respond to any requests for residency information as soon as possible.

What does it Mean to Be An In-State Resident?

If you're seeking in-state status, you must prove that you have established and maintained legal Florida residence at least 12 months and one day before the first day of classes of your first semester

In-state status is only for permanent, legal residents of Florida, who don't have established ties to another state. If you have an out-of-state permanent address on your records, this can result in an out-of-state classification because it indicates ties to another state. Please note that living in or attending school in Florida will not, in itself, establish legal residence for tuition purposes.

How to Qualify

First, you'll need to determine whether you're considered dependent or independent. If neither of these apply to you, you may qualify for an exception.

As a graduate student, you're considered independent. 

For residency purposes, a student is considered:


  • Age 24 or older, or
  • A graduate student, or
  • Under the age of 24 and can claim independence by the proof of a marriage license, proof of a dependent or proof of financial independence

If you are independent, you will need to submit your own information.


  • Under the age of 24 and not a graduate student

If you are a dependent, you will need to submit your parent/guardian's information.

How Do I Submit Residency Documentation?

To prove Florida residency, you need two documents proving you (if independent) or your parent/guardian (dependent) lived in the state for at least 12 months and one day before your term starts.

We highly encourage students to submit this information when applying to the university but you can update this information afterwards via the Graduate Residency Declaration Form.

Please note: Residency status does not affect your admission decision.

Step 1: Gather Your Residency Documentation

If you're applying for residency during your ºÚÁÏÍø³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏApplication, you'll need to submit two documents to prove that either you or your parent/guardian were a Florida resident for at least 12 months and one day before first day of class.

  • If you are classified as an independent: Submit your personal information.
  • If you are classified as a dependent: Submit your parent/guardian's information.

You can find more information about dependent and independent status below.

What Documents Are Required to Prove Florida Residency Status?

To prove your Florida residency, you must submit one document from Section A and then one more document either from Section A or Section B.

Acceptable Documents for Florida Residency
Section A Section B

Florida driver's license 

  • Provide license number, original issue date and current issue date

Declaration of domicile in Florida

  • This is a form you or your parent/guardian fills out declaring your place of residence, and you can get the form from your county clerk's office

Florida voter's registration card

  • Provide the number and issue date

Florida professional or occupational license

  • You or your parent/guardian can get one of these licenses from the state of Florida if they're applicable to a field you work in, like tree trimming or electrical

State of Florida identification card

  • Provide the number, original issue date and current issue date

Florida incorporation

  • If you or your parent has started a business in Florida, you can use this documentation to prove residency

Florida vehicle registration

  • Provide your VIN, original issue date and current issue date

Document evidencing family ties in Florida

  • Submit a document signed by a relative who has lived in Florida for 12 months consecutively and can provide documentation to prove their Florida residency

Proof of a permanent home in Florida occupied for 12 consecutive months

  • Provide a deed, homeowner's policy, property tax payment or a lease with proof of 12 months payment

Proof of membership in a Florida-based charitable or professional organization

  • Provide documentation that you or your parent/guardian is part of a professional or charitable organization in Florida

Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 30 hours per week over a 12-month period

  • Provide W2 or pay stubs, as well as an official letter from your employer on company letterhead that includes your start date, amount of hours worked, and employment duration
Any other documentation supporting your request for resident status, like utility bills and proof of 12 consecutive payments, a lease agreement with proof of 12 consecutive payments, or an official state, federal, or court document showing legal ties to Florida

Transcripts from a Florida high school that show two or more years if the Florida high school diploma was earned within the last 12 months


Note: If you or your parent/guardian have proof of a homestead exemption in Florida, you may now qualify for Florida residency through an exception using only this documentation.

Remember, if you're seeking in-state residency, you have to prove you've lived in Florida for 12 months and one day before the start of your first semester. This means your documents should be dated or include an issue date of 12 months and one day before the first day of the semester.

  • For example, if you want to start in the fall 2025 semester, which starts on August 25, 2025, you must have documentation that proves Florida residency dated on or before August 24, 2024.
Term Starts Latest Date Your Documents Can Show
Spring 2025: January 13, 2025 January 12, 2024
Summer A and C 2025: May 19, 2025 May 18, 2024
Summer B 2025: June 30, 2025 June 29, 2024
Fall 2025: August 25, 2025 August 24, 2024

Step 2: Submit a ºÚÁÏÍø³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏApplication and Complete the Residency Section Completely OR Complete the Graduate Residency Declaration Form after Application

In Your Application

As you complete your , simply follow the prompts to submit the ºÚÁÏÍø³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏresidency documents with your application. The benefits of submitting your residency documents with your application are:

  • It immediately starts your evaluation process.
  • It prevents a delay in processing your application, which can impact available aid, housing and more.

Please note: Residency status does not affect your admission decision.

After Application

If you're declaring your residency after you've submitted your application, you'll want to do that by completing the . 

Be sure your form includes your full name, date of birth and (once assigned). You may either upload PDF copies directly to your online application and MyWorkspace, fax completed forms to 813-974-9689 or mail hard copy forms to: 

Office of Admissions
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 1036
Tampa, FL 33620

Step 3: Know Your Residency Status

Independent Status

All graduate students regardless of age are presumed to be independent by the State. Therefore, graduate students are not required to prove independence.

To qualify for in-state status, the student must complete the Graduate Residency Declaration Form and submit copies of eligible documents.

I. Eligible Residency Documents

The State of Florida requires the submission of two documents which must be dated/issued at least 12 months and one day prior to the first day of classes for the semester for which Florida residency is sought. If there is evidence of legal ties to another state, Florida residency may not be claimed. No single document shall be conclusive.

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.

Dependent Status

A dependent student is considered a legal resident of the same state as his or her parent or legal guardian (the claimant). If the claimant is a legal guardian and not the student's parent, additional guardianship documentation will be required (see Section II). 

I. Eligible Residency Documents

The State of Florida requires the submission of two documents which must be dated/issued at least 12 months and one day prior to the first day of classes for the semester for which Florida residency is sought. If there is evidence of legal ties to another state, Florida residency may not be claimed. No single document shall be conclusive.

II. Proof of Guardianship (required if claimant is NOT the student's parent)

  • Documents showing Court appointed guardianship (power of attorney is NOT sufficient)
  • Three consecutive years of tax returns in which the student is claimed as a dependent by the claimant

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.


In special cases, Florida statute provides accommodation for a student to receive classification for in-state tuition purposes when supporting documentation is submitted. A student should only request residency classification using one of these categories if they do not qualify as either an independent or a dependent student.

Students must submit the supporting documentation along with the Graduate Residency Declaration Form. All letters of verification must include a contact name and telephone number so university staff can confirm the information you provided.

NEW: Florida Homestead Exemption

If you or your parent/legal guardian have proof of a homestead exemption in Florida, you may now qualify for Florida residency with only this document.

Required Documentation
A document from the county tax collector demonstrating the application of a homestead exemption to the claimant’s primary residence in Florida in the claimant’s name.

Eligible Residency Documents:
If the claimant can demonstrate proof of a homestead exemption (dated/issued at least 12 months and one day prior to the first day of classes for the semester for which Florida residency is sought) in Florida in their name, this would be considered a single, conclusive piece of evidence proving residency. Additional ties are not required in this case. 

Exception 1: I am married to a person who has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months.

Required Documentation:

Exception 2: I am a member of the armed services of the United States and I am stationed in Florida on active military duty pursuant to military orders, or my home of record is Florida, or I am a member's spouse.

Required Documentation:

  • Copy of military orders or DD-2058 showing home of record, or most current LES
  • For a spouse, copy of marriage license

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.

Exception 3: I am a full-time instructional or administrative employee of a Florida public school, community college, or institution of higher education, or I am the employee's spouse.

Required Documentation:

  • Copy of employment contract or letter from employer verifying employment as a full-time instructional or administrative employee, and
    • For a spouse, copy of marriage license

Please Note: You must still show proof of Florida residency. This option is only intended to waive the 12-month requirement on your residency documents.

Exception 4: I am a student from Latin America and the Caribbean who receives scholarships from the Federal or State government. I attend a Florida institution on a full-time basis.

Required Documentation:

Copy of scholarship award letter for the current academic year.

Please note: You must also be a citizen of a Latin American or Caribbean nation receiving a scholarship award from a Florida state agency of at least $500 per academic year. Privately administered scholarships do not qualify. Reclassification as a temporary Florida resident for tuition purposes is valid only for the academic year(s) in which the scholarship is awarded.

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.

Exception 5: I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Pre-Paid Post-Secondary Expense Program per s.1009.988(2) (Pre-Paid ID Card Required).

Required Documentation:

Copy of the front and back of your Florida Pre-Paid expense letter or the front and back of your Florida Pre-Paid expense card.

Exception 6: I am a dependent person who has resided for five years with an adult relative other than my parent/legal guardian and my relative has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months.

Required Documentation:

  • Copies of your adult relative's federal income tax returns for the past five years, establishing the familial relationship and indicating that you were claimed as a dependent
  • Graduate Residency Declaration Form completed by the relative
  • Two eligible residency documents

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.

Exception 7: I was previously enrolled as a Florida resident for tuition purposes at a Florida public institution. I abandoned my Florida domicile less than 12 months ago and I am now re-establishing Florida legal residence.

Required Documentation:

  • Proof that you have previously paid in-state tuition
  • Proof that you have relinquished any and all legal ties to the state of your most recent previous residence
  • Graduate Residency Declaration Form
  • Two eligible residency documents
    • You may be asked to provide evidence of previous issue dates for these items, such as a transcript from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.

Exception 8: I am a United States citizen living on the Isthmus of Panama and have completed 12 consecutive months of college work at the Florida State University Panama Canal Branch or I am the student's spouse or dependent child.

Required Documentation:

  • Copy of transcript or a letter of enrollment certification from FSU verifying enrollment at the Panama Canal Branch for the past three terms and
    • For a spouse, copy of marriage license

Exception 9: I am a Southern Regional Education Board's Academic Common Market graduate student attending Florida's State University.

Required Documentation:

A letter of certification from the state coordinator for the Southern Regional Education Board's Academic Common Market.

Exception 10: I am a full-time employee of a State agency or political subdivision of the State whose student fees are paid by the State agency or political subdivision for the purpose of job-related law enforcement or correction training.

Required Documentation:

A letter of verification from employer indicating you are a full-time employee of a state agency or political subdivision and you are enrolling in courses for the purpose of job-related law enforcement or corrections training.

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.

Exception 11: I am a McKnight Fellowship recipient.

Required Documentation:

A letter of verification from the Graduate School certifying that you are a McKnight Fellowship recipient.

Exception 12: I am an active member of the Florida National Guard who qualifies under Florida Statutes s.250.10(7) and (8) for tuition assistance.

Required Documentation:

Your Interstate Transfer Contract, NGB form 22-5-R-E, if you are an active National Guardsman who has been transferred to Florida from another state, OR Your US Armed Forces enlist/re-enlist document, DD 4/1 and 4/2, if you have left the active armed services and have entered the National Guard.

Non-U.S. Citizens

Students and claimants who are Non-U.S. Citizens are required to submit documentation to verify permanent resident or visa status in addition to documentation required for in-state status.

Required Documentation: Proof of Florida residency as a dependentindependent or exceptionAND

For a permanent resident alien, acceptable documentation includes:

  • A copy of the front and back of resident alien card, OR
  • Proof of issuance of an I-551, OR
  • A copy of your I-485 indicating approval for a change in status.

For an international student, proof of visa status is required. Only the following categories of visa holders are eligible for consideration. All others are ineligible to establish Florida residency for tuition purposes.

  • Visa category A - Government official
  • Visa category E - Treaty trader or investor
  • Visa category G - Representative of international organization
  • Visa category H-1 - Temporary worker performing professional nursing services or in a specialty occupation
  • Visa category H-4 - Only if spouse or child of alien is classified H-1
  • Visa category I – Foreign information media representative
  • Visa category K – Fiancé, fiancée or child of a United States citizen
  • Visa category L – Intracompany transferee (including spouse or child)
  • Visa category N – Parent or child of alien accorded special immigrant status
  • Visa category O-1 – Workers of "extraordinary" ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics
  • Visa category O-3 – Only if spouse or child of alien is classified O-1
  • Visa category R – Religious workers
  • Visa category NATO I-7 – Representatives of NATO and their families

Non-U.S. Citizens in the following categories are also eligible to establish Florida residency for tuition purposes.

  • Citizens of Micronesia
  • Citizens of the Marshall Islands
  • Applicants for adjustment of status
  • Asylum applicants with INS receipt or Immigration Court stamp