Executive Branch
Tampa Initiatives
Cipriano and Henry Administration Initiatives: C.A.R.E.

Goal: Provide buses between campus three times a day, during the morning, afternoon, and night.
Status: In progress

Goal: Work with student organizations to create new events and collaborate on existing events on a monthly basis.
Status: In progress: We are planning a Student Engagement Lunch for November 3rd.

Goal: Create a form that allows students to report accessibility oversights across campus, such as inaccessible entrances and poorly lit sections of campus.
Status: In progress: We are close to completing this initiative by creating a survey for students to report accessibility oversights with the aid of Student Accessibility Services and other campus partners. A task force has been created and is set to have biweekly meetings to identify and address accessibility concerns for students on campus. This task force is comprised of students, faculty, and staff.

Goal: Create a task force to advocate for the increase of Black student enrollment. This task force will also develop strategies to increase Black enrollment at USF.
Status: In progress: We are currently working to reschedule meetings between the adminstration, the Black Student Union, and Student Government.

Goal: Create a task force to determine the needs and advocate for non-traditional and minority students. This task force will also seek input from large student organizations, such as COBOL, LASA, and ASA, to determine additional issues that large groups of students face across campus, and find ways that Student Government can address these problems.
Status: In progress

Goal: Increase gender inclusivity across campus by working with the Federal Executive Branch to update the language of Student Government job titles, collaborating with administration to increase the number of gender-neutral restrooms, and expanding the Period Project in a gender inclusive way.
Status: In progress

Goal: Create a tool that increases the ease of accessibility of Tampa Executive leadership for the student body, including providing an initiatives tracker that is updated bi-weekly.
Status: In progress

Goal: Hold townhalls on a monthly basis, and provide press releases bi-weekly.
Status: In progress, view press releases here.

Goal: Develop and implement a 5-year plan to complete the transition from gas to electric forms of transportation on campus and to source at least 50% of USF’s electricity needs from renewable energy.
Status: In progress: Creating the committee for the Student Green Energy Fund.

Goal: Replace fixtures across campus with high efficiency upgrades (including showerheads, lights, etc.)
Status: In progress