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Coors Light Shows That Summer Fun and Sustainability Go Hand in Hand
June 28th, 2017
By Chastity Heusinger

Summer: a season dedicated to backyard bbq's and cold beer. While this activity is a favorite pastime among many, it is not the most environmentally friendly way we could spend our summer.
MillerCoors is hoping to change this with their new "EveryOneCan" Summer Sustainability Program.
EveryOneCan is a summer long program, launched by Coors Brewing to continue their long-term commitment to environmental stewardship. Coors Brewing was the first beer distributor to create a recyclable aluminum can, but they didn't want to stop there. Now, they want to reward their customers for bringing back cans that can be reused and be back on the shelf within 60 days. Some of these rewards include bags made from recycled vinyl advertisements and grills made from recycled kegs.
"We're proud to be making strides, and creating a more sustainable world is a mountain Coors Light has always accepted as one worth climbing. EveryOneCan is based on the idea that everyone has the ability to have a positive impact on the environment, and we hope we can lead the way, working together with our drinkers" said Zach Fatla, Coors Light senior marketing manager, in an interview with Brewbound.
Beyond their recycling initiatives, Coors Light shows their commitment to sustainability in other aspects of their production process. Their brewery in Irwindale, California has ten acres of solar fields, making it the most powerful solar array of any brewery in the country. Using this technology, Coors Light brews 22 million beers, all powered by the sun. Additionally, in 2016, Coors Light pledged to be landfill-free, recycling or reusing over 99% of everything they produce.
We know that many other companies have followed Coors Lights lead in using the recyclable aluminum can, and we hope that these companies begin to follow them in other ways, too!
Cheers to you, Coors Light.