

ԹϱCollege of Marine Science


Question of Straws: CMS Advises St. Pete City Council HERS Committee

ԹϱCMS Advises St. Pete City Council HERS Committee 2018

ԹϱCMS Advises St. Pete City Council HERS Committee 2018

ST. PETERSBURG, FL – The City of St. Petersburg sustainability program continues to move forward with ocean friendly practices. On June 14 2018, CJ Reynolds in Muller-Karger’s , presented to the St. Petersburg City Council Health, Energy, Resilience, and Sustainability committee on the current state of bans, fees and other programs designed to reduce use straws and other plastics, and prevent litter.

“Today’s HERS committee meeting was a productive discussion. David Hastings presentation on microplastics provided a strong scientific overview of the problem of plastics as they degrade in the environment. In my presentation, I sought to provide context which showed how other countries and leading businesses were taking action. It was important to expand the considerations for integrated approach combining better, targeted litter management and reduction of single-use plastics products and cigarette butts, which are not biodegradable,” said Reynolds.

Council requested the City attorney develop several options of draft ordinances to review at an upcoming meeting. Council members will continue to evaluate different programs and policy approaches to reduce the problem of single-use plastics pollution overall — in collaboration with the business community. The next meeting will be in August.

The final speaker was owner of the on 4th Street. He explained how stopped offering straws and provides paper straws to people who request.

Reynolds was involved in developing the Florida Marine Debris Reduction Guidance plan and is the current workgroup lead focused on consumer debris.

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