Policy Advisor, the Nexus of Emerging Technologies and Chemistry
• Chemical Sciences and Engineering
• S&T Policy
• Innovation
Linda Nhon, PhD is a policy advisor on socio-economic, chemistry, and security issues
at the Nexus of Emerging Technologies and Chemistry. She served as a Program Officer
with the Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology at the National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine. In that role, she directed consensus reports on Advancing
Chemistry and Quantum Information Science and Chemical Terrorism in the Era of Great
Power Competition.
Nhon also directed the Chemical Sciences Roundtable (CSR), a standing committee of
20+ thought leaders from across industry, government, and academia. Under her leadership,
CSR covered cutting-edge scientific topics ranging from battery recycling to FAIR
and open-access issues; these activities reached 1000+ participants globally. Prior
to her work at NASEM, Dr. Nhon was a researcher at the DOE’s Energy Frontier Research
Center, where she developed organic chromophores for solar fuel cell applications.
She also combined organic synthesis with material informatics to design anodically
coloring electrochromes for stealth applications through the support of the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research.
In parallel. she served as a fellow with the Sam Nunn Security Program supported through
the MacArthur Foundation, allowing her to study strategic deterrence in the Indo-Pacific
region with a focus on SE Asia-US relations, maritime routes, and energy security.
She presented policy proposals to the US Special Operations Command at MacDill Airforce
Base. Dr. Nhon holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the Georgia Institute
of Technology and a bachelor’s in microbiology and Cell Science from the University
of Florida. She has a passion for science policy, security, and innovation.
LinkedIn: in/lindanhon003
The National Academies Press
The National Academies Press
The National Academies Press
The National Academies Press
Chemistry of Materials
Materials Horizons
Chemistry of Materials
The Journal of Chemical Physics
ACS Energy Letters
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Journal of the American Chemical Society