School of Aging Studies faculty member Lindsay Peterson, PhD recently presented her disaster preparedness research as part of an Alzheimer’s Association webinar, “Ready Before the Storm.” She and co-presenters Judy Silverstein, of the Florida Department of Health, and Carol White, of the Alzheimer’s Association, provided tips and advice to attendees about how to be ready for a hurricane. Florida’s hurricane season began on June 1.
Peterson’s presentation was based on research funded by the Retirement Research Foundation. She and co-investigators William Haley, PhD, Debra Dobbs, PhD, and Sara Hackett, PhD, School of Aging Studies faculty, conducted interviews with caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias to learn about their disaster experiences and concerns and ultimately develop new disaster preparedness materials tailored to caregivers’ needs. The research is ongoing. Register to view the webinar .