ࡱ> 1 hHbjbj>> E\qh\qh?* DD8T<ّn\L(MOPPXZZZZZZ$Gx~P.M|M@PP~DD^/WWWP^DR8XWPXWW2&"B%DQ.D0ّDuQu\BBůxPPWPPPPP~~TPPPّPPPPuPPPPPPPPP X :  Purpose:This checklist is intended to familiarize new and existing employees with current business travel rules and procedures at the Թϱ (USF). This document should function as a reference guide as travel expense reports are created and submitted.Notes:Following the checklist will result in faster and accurate reimbursements. For detailed requirements, please refer to ԹϱHYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/travelmanual.doc"Travel Manual. 1General Requirements As always, in accordance with Florida Statute 112.061 travel should be the most efficient and economical means of travel, considering time of the traveler, impact on the productivity of the traveler, cost of transportation, and per diem or subsistence required. Travel on University business must be authorized in advance. Travel Request (TR) must be submitted and fully approved before traveling. If the Travel Request was not fully approved or was not submitted, then a Post Travel Authorization Travel Request (PTA TR) must be completed. For mileage only trips (may also include mileage-related incidentals such as tolls and parking) a Travel Request is not required unless it is for a conference. Any change to the scope of an approved trip after travel start date, such as adding travel days or destinations, which incur additional cost, should be noted clearly in the Expense Report. HR supervisor and Fiscal approval in Archivum system workflow is an acknowledgement of the scope change for legitimate Թϱbusiness purpose. Airfare reservations/lodging reservations should be made using online travel booking websites, travel agencies, or directly with the airline/hotel in accordance with Florida Statute 112.061. Car rental for official business in the United States should be secured by using the State of Florida contract with Avis Budget Group, Inc. Contract numbers: Avis (AWD A113400), Budget (BCD T417600). If an employee is forced to rent a vehicle with a vendor outside of Avis or Budget, use of E&I Cooperative contract with Enterprise and National, code XZ42D09, is encouraged as the secondary alternative and business justification must be provided in Archivum Travel. The Expense Report (ER) cover sheet must be signed and certified by the Traveler, using DocuSign or using the print and sign option, prior to submitting the ER. Each Traveler should submit a separate Expense Report. Expense Reports with related travel or shared expenses should be cross-referenced. Documents included in Receipt Package should match the order of the expenses listed on Expense Report. Expense types should accurately reflect the nature of the expense. For business trips with multiple destinations, all destinations must be entered. The exception is for vicinity mileage only expense types. A business justification should be included in the Receipt Package for expenses with unclear business purpose. The approved Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reasonable Accommodation Request Number (ARN) must be included in the Receipt Package, for any disability-related exception to the requirements of the university Travel Manual for university employees. For any disability-related exception for non-employee travelers, include a signed statement from the department head certifying the traveler has requested a reasonable accommodation, the individual has been determined to be a qualified individual with a disability and the request is a reasonable accommodation pursuant to ADA for that individual. The respective university department is responsible to maintain all records related to an individuals disability, to keep them confidential, to only make available to authorized persons, and to provide a reference number on all correspondence, which is traceable back to the confidential records maintained in the department. Timeliness - Expense Reports should be fully approved in department workflow within thirty (30) calendar days of last date of travel. Reports not fully approved in department workflow more than sixty (60) calendar days after the last day of travel require a Dean or Director level approval. Expense Reports not fully approved in department workflow over six (6) months from the last date of travel require signed approval by the appropriate Vice President. All signed approvals should be included in the Receipt Package submitted in Archivum Travel. Expense Reports for mileage-only may be submitted on a quarterly basis. Cash Advance Excess funds remaining from Cash Advances must be remitted to Թϱwithin ten (10) days after the last date of travel using the HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/travelcashadvanceexcessfunds.docx"Cash Advance Excess Funds Repayment Form. A copy of the check and deposit receipt must be included in the Receipt Package, and Expense Report should be received by Travel within thirty (30) calendar days. Agenda - If Expense Report is for a trip to a conference, convention, formal meeting, seminar and/or workshop an agenda should be provided. Agenda is used to verify trip dates, meals and conference hotel. A Travel Request is also required. Note: Meals provided at a conference should be excluded from the meal allowance on the report even when Թϱdoes not pay for the registration. Flat Reimbursement Should be agreed to by the Traveler and documented in writing before the trip. The document must be signed and dated by the Traveler and department head showing agreement of capped amount. The capped amount should be clearly noted in the document. Foreign Conversions to USD for all expenses including PCard charges must be included in the Receipt Package. Receipts in Foreign Languages must be translated before including in Receipt Package. 2Registration  Receipt should match Expense Report and show name of Traveler, amount, and name of the event. 3Lodging Receipt must be itemized, have a zero balance, show Travelers name and arrival and departure dates. Receipt for prepaid reservations must have the amount charged to credit card, show the Travelers name and arrival and departure dates. Late checkout fees, early check-in fees or guarantee reservation fees should not be included on the report. Unallowable expenses on the hotel bill such as room service, restaurant charges, etc. should be reduced from the claimed amount or repaid. For the current fiscal year, the Florida Legislature has mandated that lodging for university employees paid with state funding may not exceed $175 per night for events (meetings, conferences, or conventions) sponsored or organized by the Թϱ. State funds include all E&G funds and state sponsored grants. Amounts exceeding $175 per night may be paid through an alternative funding source. Domestic: If the nightly hotel cost per person (including taxes and fees) exceeds $250, a justification is required to be selected while entering the expense in Archivum Travel. If the nightly hotel cost per person (including taxes and fees) exceeds $250 and is the designated conference or convention hotel(s), conference hotel may be selected as justification. Foreign: Maximum allowable foreign lodging rates are determined by the U.S. Department of State, Foreign Per Diem Rates, Maximum Lodging Rate, for the city or region. The link to the U.S. Department of State web site is available on the ԹϱTravel web site or at:  HYPERLINK "https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp" https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp . If unique circumstances require that the nightly hotel rate exceed the published U.S. Department of State rate, the justification is required to be selected when entering in Archivum Travel. 4Airfare  Must have receipt and itinerary. Itinerary must show Travelers name, amount paid, departure and arrival times, destination, and fare class. If airfare exceeds $750 for domestic flights and $1,500 for international flights, the justification is required to be selected when entering the expense in Archivum Travel and documented airfare comparisons are required to be completed and included in the Receipt Package. Airfare comparisons should be sourced at the time of booking from a travel aggregator site, such as Expedia or Kayak. The comparison should represent the market conditions at the time of booking across carriers. The flight selected should be representative of the most economical fares available considering time of the traveler, impact on the productivity of the traveler, cost of transportation, and per diem or subsistence required. ԹϱTravelers will be reimbursed for all airline fares in economy and coach, or equivalent classes. See the HYPERLINK "/business-finance/controller/documents/airline-class-guide.pdf"Airline Class Guide on the ԹϱTravel website for guidance on allowable and not allowable classes for the major domestic airlines. Business class travel is reimbursable for all segments of trips with at least one segment lasting longer than 8 hours. Baggage Fees Թϱwill pay for up to two pieces. Receipt should be provided if paid on PCard or for fees over $25 paid out of pocket. If more than 2 bags, business justification should be provided on the receipt. Cancellation and/or Change Fees up to $250 require explicit approval from Chair or Director, if over $250 explicit approval of Dean or Vice President (see pg. 17 of Manual for additional info). If a traveler chooses a multi-destination or otherwise circuitous air route for personal reasons or chooses to drive to a long-distance destination rather than flying, the traveler will be reimbursed only the amount that round trip airfare to and from the business event would have cost. Airfare comparisons directly to and from the business event/business dates only, must be included with the Receipt Package. 5Mileage Travelers can only claim mileage for their personal vehicles. Map mileage requires a printout showing destinations and number of miles. The printout can be obtained from sites such as MapQuest or FDOT. Mileage cannot be claimed between Travelers home and their headquarters. Թϱdepartments are responsible to ensure all employee headquarter assignments other than at recognized Թϱlocations are formally approved and documentation retained. Traveler is authorized to claim mileage to a destination in excess of their regular commute. If a Traveler must travel to a destination (other than headquarters) during non-regular workdays, the Traveler may claim miles from residence. Vicinity mileage over 40 miles for one instance will be considered map mileage and therefore require mileage print out. If Traveler is driving long distance, advance airfare quotes for comparison purposes should be included in the Receipt Package. Reimbursement is limited to the amount that would have been allowed had the most efficient and economical airfare been selected. (Exception to this rule would normally be applied if Traveler carpooled with another Traveler.) 6Car Rental  University employees in need of a rental car for official business in the United States are required to use the State of Florida contract with Avis Budget Group, Inc. Contract numbers: Avis (AWD A113400), Budget (BCD T417600). The contract number should be provided at the time of reservation and pick-up, and it is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure that the contract terms are applied. Avis Budget Group, Inc. contract rates are available for both in-state and out of state rentals. The contract includes roadside assistance. If an employee is forced to rent a vehicle with a vendor outside of Avis or Budget, use of E&I Cooperative contract with Enterprise and National, code XZ42D09, is encouraged as the secondary alternative and business justification must be provided in Archivum Travel. Travelers are required to rent a compact car class. If a Թϱemployee rents a larger vehicle than a compact or with a vendor other than Avis Budget Group, Inc. in the United States, the systemic justification is required to be selected when entering the expense in Archivum Travel. Rental of luxury or premium vehicles is not allowed. Any additional expenses associated with a car rental, incurred for personal reasons, including personal accident insurance, GPS or roadside assistance will not be reimbursed. It is the Travelers responsibility to follow the instructions on their rental agreement for reporting accidents/damages. Rental car should not be retained for extended periods of time without a valid business justification and the justification should be included in Receipt Package. Rental receipt must show Travelers name, car class, date range of rental and amount paid. All details must match the Expense Report. Rental car expenses such as gas, parking and tolls must be recorded on the Expense Report of the Traveler who rented the vehicle. 7State vehicle Vehicles tag number must be provided on the Expense Report. Confirm the usage of state vehicle was for actual Թϱtravel. 8Other ground transportation (taxis, trains, buses, ride share and other public transit) Receipts are required for all ground transportation expenses paid via PCard. Expenses paid out of pocket over $25 also require a receipt. Gratuity should not exceed 18% 9Flat Per Diem Flat Per Diem cannot be claimed in conjunction with any actual lodging or meal claims for the same day of a trip. IRS regulations do not currently provide for a tax-exempt meal reimbursement for one day travel not involving an overnight stay. Must not exceed the $80 per day statutory allowance. Check start and end dates, along with timestamp to ensure the correct portion for the first and last day of travel are claimed. (See pg. 21 and 22 of the Travel Manual for more information) 10Meals (Domestic and Foreign) Trip must include an overnight stay for Traveler to claim meals. Check start and end dates, and times of trips to make sure the correct meal allowance is claimed. Make sure all meals provided at a conference are deducted from the meal allowance. Meals for student group travel may be purchased and reimbursed at actual cost, provided the total cost is less than the combined per diem for all participants. A roster should be provided listing each participant with their signature acknowledging any additional related expenses are not reimbursable and they will not seek reimbursement from USF. Foreign Meals should agree with Department of State website. Foreign meal rates begin from the time the Traveler begins the trip until his or her return, unless the itinerary involves an overnight stay in another US location before going to or after leaving the foreign location. 11Incidentals  All incidental expenses paid via PCard require a receipt. If paid out of pocket and over $25 it requires a receipt. Valet parking is only allowed when self-parking is not available as an option. Documentation of this should be included with the receipt package. Portage allowable is $1 per bag up to $5 per incident. If official business results in additional portage (for example, a large amount of necessary materials or equipment must be transported) an explanation must be provided at the time reimbursement is requested. Make sure a receipt is provided for all expenses listed on pg. 23 of the Travel Manual. 12Group Travel Expenses incurred for group travel such as sports teams, field camps, research groups, etc. where faculty or staff/lead traveler travel with students, all expenses for the group should be recorded on the Expense Report of the faculty/lead traveler. The scope of the travel and details should be provided in the comment section of the Expense Report. An overview/description can also be included in the Receipt Package. A roster should be provided listing each participant. If meal allowance was distributed the roster should include the travelers signatures to confirm receipt and to acknowledge they will not seek further reimbursement from USF. A matrix should be included showing a breakdown of all the expenses of each traveler.      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