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Discretionary purchases are those that could have and should have been incurred using Թϱpurchase orders and/or PCard, including purchase of supplies, equipment, food, and business meals. Purchases should be shipped only to a Թϱaddress. Shipment to a home or other off-campus address may result in denial of reimbursement. Forms that are not in compliance will not be processed and the user will have to seek other non-university funding sources. Examples of non-university funding are funds from a Direct Support Organization (DSO) (i.e. ԹϱFoundation, ԹϱResearch Foundation; University Medical Services Association.) Employee Payment Forms submitted beyond 60 days of the date of the transaction will require approval by the accountable Vice President designated for compliance approvals in the VP area. Forms should be sent electronically to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:APINVOICES@USF.EDU" APINVOICES@USF.EDU . The following are NOT allowable employee reimbursements: Equipment, lab equipment, office equipment, furniture etc. Computer Supplies, office supplies, lab supplies etc. Clothing; Contractual Services; Any other commodities or contractual services that are required to be processed on a requisition/PO or ԹϱPCard. Purchases for less than $1,000 should be purchased using the ԹϱPCard. Departments should use PCard for payment of memberships, subscriptions, postage, freight, computer supplies, office supplies, lab supplies including those that are biological, chemicals and gases plus other related supplies. Additional information on the PCard program is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.usf.edu/business-finance/purchasing/staff-procedures/usf-pcard/index.aspx" http://www.usf.edu/business-finance/purchasing/staff-procedures/usf-pcard/index.aspx     Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 2 Revised April 2021 "#,458EFGlzhVhVhG===3hCbOJQJ^JhSOJQJ^JhLRd5>*OJPJQJ^J"h(h55>*OJPJQJ^J"h(hLRd5>*OJPJQJ^JhS5>*OJPJQJ^Jh5>*OJPJQJ^J*h6Uh6U5>*CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$$hx5>*CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$$h]~5>*CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$$hS5>*CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$h(h1 OJQJ^Jjh` AhSU#Gl ' < V   dx^gd|%(ddd[$\$^gdAR\ & F&xgd & F&gd & F&<gdS & F&dxgdS dx^gdSddd[$\$gd 2ddd[$\$gd(~gd<}2    g ' r  # ; < V  Z ȸը☋~nnh7hAR\5>*OJQJ^JhAR\5>*OJQJ^Jhh|%(OJQJ^Jhh|%(5>*OJQJ^JhQhS5>*OJQJ^JhhS5>*OJQJ^JhhSOJQJ^JhQhSOJQJ^JhSOJQJ^JhCbOJQJ^JhOJQJ^J*Z [ ]     -.1345ɿwjj]hQhWyOJQJ^JhQhMOJQJ^JhQGhO] 0JOJQJ^JjhO] OJQJU^JhO] OJQJ^Jh(h|%(OJQJ^JhvdOJQJ^JhdOJQJ^Jh|%(OJQJ^JhAR\OJQJ^JhDhAR\OJQJ^J!h-:@hAR\B*OJQJ^Jphh(~hAR\>*OJQJ^J" 15ot dgdO978ddd[$\$^8gdM( & F<gd6 & F<gdO] ^gd 2 8<^8gdO] dx^gd|%( dx^gd|%(5CFGKUlo 03Velst wwgYwwwhQh6ft5OJQJ^JhQh6ft5>*OJQJ^JhQhLRd5OJQJ^JhLRdOJQJ^JhQhPBOJQJ^Jh6h6OJQJ^Jh6OJQJ^JhQhKOJQJ^JhQhLRdOJQJ^JhAR\5OJQJ^JhCb5OJQJ^Jhph;?5OJQJ^JhphLRd5OJQJ^J  .019:GQa.?@Ǽ񠮠wwwwh]Rh>5OJQJ^Jh]=5OJQJ^Jh]=h]=0JOJQJ^Jh]=h]=OJQJ^J!jh]=h]=OJQJU^JhO] 5OJQJ^JhQh2\5OJQJ^JhQhtY5OJQJ^JhV(5OJQJ^JhQh6ft5OJQJ^JhQhI5OJQJ^JhQhLRd5OJQJ^JhQh:35OJQJ^J°h>5OJQJ^J#h>h6CJOJQJ^JaJh>6CJOJQJ^JaJh$95mHnHu h5jh5CJUaJhh1{jh1{U8ddd[$\$^8gdM(ddd[$\$gdM($a$ dgdO9721h:po/ =!"#$% %DdX  C 4AUSF Logo 2019R$j%%.g9$D۠F$j%%.g9JFIF``C     C   SO" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?Sj7PI,qJ6ULu}*kXw _mX}UMBmgg*R.1=E5eѪZ ((UO2yVsX'lz+ ;XSdؑ'J4]>msƚ]֦mMseqԯ.HEWaEPEPE%RfZ)(-fLZ(-RRE&h-PIE-QEViⵅ啖(e |ARNf6ЏjfO¼g—>#jP.伹9a+o'o|Xվ^k_6r? ?u+<յ|iR}ϊg؟ni-4^-MinGI|}O79O|MRʰzܬ<ۺj0t;^^߱¶'ǵG;ypmݵzW5 @ -i?<ٴZz rۃǚΗ/6sMoT_*BȉmϿg蟳%xKҭ"񕝄6%zBVkg`^x6O 5[ W~p^s"}]>S_3ʓF:=eN=(urUa>xK쟹,Cl[3,C ? _ZGQxσ|Eg֞G;S;b=+zr3(ՍjPeڰuMNw5I!4yc5mwоRgC?"D=:Rb%p1?g2Zh:4Zm@ʎڱ?fu?riq$W . _N7I vVxm7ϙJX^o{fhW_ ntK M]RK1<޿=n|B|_ ޶ ٨py2Oܯ?^~_-yug>$.:¨ⷡůګವZ}8ܢٚ?m/%>9ڸ8#"$Қv&ϳSu?>Қos3'uxSɚ76*0ॳմܚ|3.<}S>&%ռlГNV6Jo!_ǟog_tb{$l "l؉n{| ԼAfGgx~kؒtê=8>Ǘb):? 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