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Visiting Asistant Professor, Colorado State University-Pueblo, Pueblo Colorado, 2002-03 EDUCATION Ph.D. International Studies, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, 2002 M.A. International Relations, San Francisco State University, 1995 B.A. History, Colgate University, 1987 HONORS AND AWARDS Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title, South Sudans Fateful Struggle, 2024 Global Excellence Award. ԹϱWorld, 2022 Theodore and Venette Askounes-Ashford Distinguished Scholar Award, 2022 Outstanding Faculty Award, Թϱ, 2022 Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title, Moral Responsbility in 21st Century Warfare, 2021 Fulbright Scholar Award, Madrid Spain, 2020-21. Honorary Professor, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Madrid Spain, 2020-21 Country Expert (Appointed by U.S. State Dept.), USAID, DRG Assessment, South Sudan, 2019-20. Nominee, Outstanding Research Achievement Award, Թϱ, 2009 Faculty Award for Research, Scholarly and Creative Excellence, Թϱ, 2008 Research Fellowship, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, 1995-1998 Listed in Marquis Whos Who in the World (2018, 2019, 2020) PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Authored 2024. International Relations: The Key Concepts. Fourth Edition. London and New York: Routledge (with Alexander D. Barder). 2023. South Sudans Fateful Struggle: Building Peace in a State of War. New York: Oxford University Press (Russian Translation, Academic Studies Press, 2026).. 2024 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2019. Decency and Difference: Humanity and the Global Challenge of Identity Politics. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 2014, 2008. International Relations: The Key Concepts. London and New York: Routledge (with Martin Griffiths and Terry O'Callaghan) (Chinese translation, Peking University Press, 2015; Turkish translation, Nobel Academic Press, 2013, Arabic translation, Gulf Research Center, 2009).). 2010. Critical Theory of International Politics: Complementarity, Justice, and Governance. London and New York: Routledge. 2009. Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations. London and New York: Routledge (with Martin Griffiths and M. Scott Solomon) (Turkish translation, Nobel Academic Press, 2011; Farsi Translation, University of Tehran Press, 2014 Arabic translation, Ferhad publishers, 2024). 2006. Politicizing the International Criminal Court: The Convergence of Politics, Ethics, and Law. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2005. Cultural Autonomy, Minority Rights, and Globalization. London and New York: Routledge Publishers (Reprint, 2016). Edited 2025. Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (with Derrick K. Hudson and Kaleb Demerew). 2020a. Moral Responsibility in Twenty-First Century Warfare: Just War Theory and the Ethical Challenges of Autonomous Weapons Systems (eds). Albany, NY: SUNY Press (with Amy E. Eckert).(Paperback, 2021) 2021 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2020b. Handbook of Critical International Relations (ed). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2019. The Challenge of Governance in South Sudan: Corruption, Peacebuilding, and Foreign Intervention (eds), London and New York: Routledge (with Derrick K. Hudson) (Paperback, 2020) 2009. Governance, Order, and the International Criminal Court: Between Realpolitik and a Cosmopolitan Court (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008. Critical Theory and International Relations: A Reader (ed.). London and New York: Routledge. (Special Indian Edition/Reprint, 2009) ARTICLES 2025a. State Fragility and its Contents: South Sudans Unruly Elite, South African Journal of International Affairs, 32/2, forthcoming. 2025b. South Sudans Chronic Instability and Violence: Why it Perists and the Ways of Working Beyond it, Politics and Rights Review, February. (Translated into French and Spanish). 2021. Bringing Cooperative Peace to the Nile Basin? Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 33(2):286-292. 2017. Decency and the Liberal International (Dis-)Order: Moral Limits and the Possibilities of a Global Pluralist Politics Globalizations, 14(6): 1029-1044. 2016a South Sudan: A Volatile Dynamic of Accountability and Peace, International Affairs 92(6): 1343-1359. 2016b. Affective Values in International Relations: Theorizing Emotional Actions and the Value of Resilience, Politics 36(4): 400-412. Interview on the article published in E-International Relations, November 2, 2016; Invited blog post, Are Emotions Inherently Volatile in International Relations? Politics Blog, November 4. 2016c. Why Moral Commitments Matter: Mapping the Ethics and Politics of Responsible and Accountable Global Governance, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 29(1): 309-326. 2014. Governing Global Democracy. International Studies Review, 16(1): 473-477. 2013a. How Political is the ICC? Pressing Challenges and the Need for Diplomatic Efficacy, Global Governance 19(4):507-523. 2013b. Legitimising Negotiated Justice: The International Criminal Court and Flexible Governance, The International Journal of Human Rights 17(5): 619-632. 2013c. Multilayered Justice in Northern Uganda: ICC Intervention and Local Procedures of Accountability, International Criminal Law Review 13(1): 249-268. Reprinted in Michael Bohlander, Thordis Ingadottir, James Meernik, Dawn L. Rothe, and Wolfgang Schomburg, (eds) The Reality of International Criminal Justice: Political, Criminal, and Sociological Aspects. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013.. 2012a.The International Criminal Court, Ed. Patrick James. Oxford Bibliographies Online in International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012b. Critical Theory of International Relations, Ed. Patrick James. Oxford Bibliographies Online in International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012c. Should the International Criminal Court Impose Justice? Yale Journal of International Affairs 7(1) (March 2012): 64-70. 2011. The Turbulent Politics of the International Criminal Court, Peace Review 23(4): 546-551. 2008. Courting the Rule of Law? The International Criminal Court and Global Terrorism, Global Governance 14(1): 13-19. 2007a. A Constitutional Right to Secede? Basque Nationalism and the Spanish State, International Studies Perspectives 8(4): 446-460. 2007b. Critical International Theory and Meta-Dialectics: Fourth Debate or Fifth Dimension? Millennium 35(2): 321-342. 2006 U.S. Foreign Policy and the International Criminal Court: Towards a Third Way of Strategic Accommodation, International Politics 43(1): 53-70. 2005a. Arab States and the Role of Islam in the International Criminal Court, Political Studies 53(1): 143-161. 2005b. Decisionism and Humanitarian Intervention: Reinterpreting Carl Schmitt and the Global Political Order, Alternatives 30(4): 443-460. 2005c. Humanitarian Emergencies and the International Criminal Court (ICC): Toward a Cooperative Arrangement between the ICC and UN Security Council, International Studies Perspectives 6(4): 431-446. 2005d. Value Pluralism, Liberalism, and the Cosmopolitan Intent of the International Criminal Court, Journal of Human Rights 4(4): 475-490. 2005e. Humanitarian Coercion: Assessing the Strategic Role of Non-State Actors in the Kosovo War, The International Journal of Human Rights 9(4): 435-448. 2004a. Minority Rights and the Dialectics of the Nation: Otto Bauers Theory of the Nation and its Contributions to Multicultural Theory and EU Integration, Human Rights Review 6(1): 81-95. 2004b. Minority Rights and an Emergent International Right to Autonomy: A Normative and Historical Assessment, The International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 11(4): 411-432. BOOK CHAPTERS 2025a Introduction: Nile Basin Politics and its Challenges, Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace..UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (with Derrick K. Hudson and Kaleb Demerew) 2025b. The Washington Dissensus: The Hegemonic Perils of Cooperation, in Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (with Derrick K. Hudson and Kaleb Demerew) 2024. The Crisis of Decency in World Politics, in Howard Williams, David Boucher, Peter Sutch, and David Reidy (eds), The Palgrave Handbook in International Political Theory. Volume 2. New York: Palgrave MacMillan Publishers. 2021. Critical Theory, in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, and Steve Smith (eds.) International Relations Theory: Discipline and Diversity. 5th Edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2020a Introduction: Dual Moral Responsibility and the Ethical Challenges of Contemporary Warfare, in Steven C. Roach and Amy E Eckert (eds). Moral Responsibility in Twenty-First Century Warfare: Just War theory and the Ethical Challenges of Autonomous Weapons Systems. Albany, NY: SUNY Press (with Amy E. Eckert). 2020b Conclusion: The Future Ethical Challenges of Twenty-First Century Warfare, in Moral Responsibility in Twenty-First Century Warfare: Just War theory and the Ethical Challenges of Autonomous Weapons Systems (eds). Albany, NY: SUNY Press. 2020c. Introduction: Critical International Relations in Steven C. Roach (ed) Handbook of Critical International Relations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020d. Afterword in Steven C. Roach (ed.) Handbook of Critical International Relations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2019a The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD): An Evolving Dynamic of Nile Politics, in Logan Cochrane (ed.) Ethiopia: Social and Political Issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers (with Derrick K. Hudson). 2019b. Introduction: The Challenges of Governance and Peacekeeping in South Sudan, in Steven C. Roach and Derrick K Hudson (eds) The Challenge of Governance in South Sudan: Corruption, Peacebuilding, and Foreign Intervention. London: Routledge. (with Derrick K Hudson) 2019c. Whither or Whether US Foreign Policy in South Sudan in Steven C. Roach and Derrick K Hudson (eds) The Challenge of Governance in South Sudan: Corruption, Peacebuilding, and Foreign Intervention. London: Routledge. 2019d. Conclusion: A Permanent Constitution and the Elusive Peace? Steven C. Roach and Derrick K Hudson (eds) The Challenge of Governance in South Sudan: Corruption, Peacebuilding, and Foreign Intervention. London: Routledge. (with Derrick K Hudson) 2016. Critical Theory, in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, and Steve Smith (eds.) International Relations Theory: Discipline and Diversity. 4th Edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013a. Multilayered Justice in Uganda: ICC Intervention and Local Procedures of Accountability, in Michael Bohlander, Thordis Ingadottir, James Meernik, Dawn L. Rothe, and Wolfgang Schomburg, (eds) The Reality of International Criminal Justice: Political, Criminal, and Sociological Aspects. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 2013b. Critical Theory, in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, and Steve Smith (eds.) International Relations Theory: Discipline and Diversity. 3rd Edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2010. Rawls's Law of Peoples and the International Criminal Court, in Roland Pierik and Wouter Werner (eds.) Cosmopolitanism in Context: Perspectives from International Law and Political Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2009a. Critical Theory, Marxism, and International Ethics, in Patrick Hayden (ed.) Ashgate Research Companion to Ethics and International Relations. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing. 2009b. Introduction: Global Governance in Context, in Steven C. Roach (ed.) Governance, Order, and the International Criminal Court: Between Realpolitik and a Cosmopolitan Court. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009c. From Realism to Legalization: A Rationalist Assessment of the International Criminal Court and its Role in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Steven C. Roach (ed.) Governance, Order, and the International Criminal Court: Between Realpolitik and a Cosmopolitan Court. Oxford: Oxford University Press (With Eric K. Leonard). 2009d. Justice of the Peace? Prospects and Challenges for a Cosmopolitan Court, in Steven C. Roach (ed.) Governance, Order, and the International Criminal Court: Between Realpolitik and a Cosmopolitan Court. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008a. Introduction: From Critical Theory to Critical International Relations Theory, in Steven. C. Roach (ed.) Critical Theory and International Relations: A Reader. New York and London: Routledge. 2008b. The Roots of Critical Theory, in Steven. C. Roach (ed.) Critical Theory and International Relations: A Reader. New York and London: Routledge. ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES 2017a. Diplomacy, in Fathali M Moghaddan (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (with Erica Heinsen-Roach) 2017b. The International Criminal Court, Fathali M Moghaddan (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 2011a."Marxism," in George Thomas Kurian (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Political Science. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press. 2011b."International Criminal Tribunals," in George Thomas Kurian (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Political Science. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press. SHORT ESSAYS 2024, Salva Kiir: South Sudans president fought for independence but then fuelled division, violence, and corruption, The Conversation. November 8, 2024. HYPERLINK "https://theconversation.com/salva-kiir-south-sudans-president-fought-for-independence-but-then-fuelled-division-violence-and-corruption-242747"Salva Kiir: South Sudans president fought for independence, but then fuelled division, violence and corruption 2017. Will Trump Help South Sudan, Cairo Review of Global Affairs, May 10. Available at  HYPERLINK "https://www.thecairoreview.com/global-forum/will-trump-help-south-sudan/" https://www.thecairoreview.com/global-forum/will-trump-help-south-sudan/. 2016a South Sudans Troubled Peace: How the Peace Deal Got Stuck? Foreign Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, April 3. Available at  HYPERLINK "http://foreignaffairs.com" http://foreignaffairs.com. 2016b. Constitutionalizing Peace in South Sudan openDemocracy, published online, May 28. Available at  HYPERLINK "https://www.opendemocracy.net" https://www.opendemocracy.net. / Republished in Transconflict.com and Eurasia Review. 2016c. Down but not Out: What Machars Absence Means for South Sudans Peace Process, African Arguments, September 23. Available at:  HYPERLINK "http://africanarguments.org/" http://africanarguments.org/. 2016d. South Sudan: The Need for a New US Strategy The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, published online, June 2. Available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.fletcherforum.org/" http://www.fletcherforum.org/ (with Derrick K Hudson) 2016e. Holding Killer Robots Accountable: The New Moral Challenge of 21st Century Warfare, Journal of International Affairs, November 20: Available at:  HYPERLINK "https://jia.sipa.columbia.edu/" https://jia.sipa.columbia.edu/, 2016f. Are Emotions Inherently Volatile in International Relations? Politics Blog, November 4. Available at:  HYPERLINK "http://politicsblog.ac.uk/2016/11/04/emotions-inherently-volatile-international-relations/" http://politicsblog.ac.uk/2016/11/04/emotions-inherently-volatile-international-relations/, BOOK REVIEWS 2021. Mapping Populism: Taking Politics to the People, by John Agnew and Michael Shin. Populism, 3(3). 2013. The Politics of International Criminal Justice: German Perspectives from Nuremberg to The Hague, by Ronen Steinke, Political Studies Review, 11(3):458-459. 2011. Inherent Human Rights: The Philosophical Roots of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by Johannes Morsink, Globalizations, 8(5): 721-722. 2010. Building the International Criminal Court, by Benjamin N. Schiff, and The Politics of Constructing the International Criminal Court: NGOs, Discourse, and Agency, by Michael J. Struett, Perspectives on Politics 8(2): 722-724. 2008. Democracy as Human Rights: Freedom and Equality in the Age of Globalization, by Michael Goodhart, Globalizations, 5(3): 339. 2005a. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: an exercise in law, politics, and diplomacy, by Rachel Kerr, Political Studies Review, 3(3) (September): 464. 2005b. The Disjunctive Empire of International Relations, Leong Yew, Journal of Peace Research, 42(1) (January):121. 2004a. Justice, Humanity, and the New World Order, by Ian Ward, New Political Science, 26(4) (December): 616-618. 2004b. From Empire to Community by Amitai Etzioni, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 33(2): 411-412. 2003. The Dynamics of Coercion, by Daniel Byman and Matthew Waxman, Cooperation and Conflict, 39(2) (June): 179-180. 2001. The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy by Otto Bauer, translated by Joseph ODonnell, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 30(3): 843-45. 2000. Democracy and Cultural Diversity. By Michael ONeill and Dennis Austin (eds.), Canadian Journal of Political Science, 35(2) (June): 461-63. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Assessments Task Order: South Sudan. Development Experience Clearinghouse of the United States International Agency on Development (USAID) (2020). Available at  HYPERLINK "https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00WRBR.pdf" https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00WRBR.pdf. Interview on Emotions and Affective Politics, E-International Relations, November 2, 2016. Available at  HYPERLINK "https://www.e-ir.info/2016/11/02/interview-steven-c-roach/" https://www.e-ir.info/2016/11/02/interview-steven-c-roach/. Sustainable Fiscal Measures and the European Union: The Dynamics of an EU Carbon Emissions Tax in a Sustainable Single Market Europe, Proceedings from the Institute on Western Europe, Columbia University (March 1995): pp. 29-42. "Islam and Democracy in North Africa," The International Relations Journal XV (3) (1994): 14-18. "The Practical Shift Toward a More Sustainable Economic Paradigm," Journal of Economic Issues, 1(1)(Spring 1994): 45-53. WORKS IN PROGRESS BOOKS Authoritaian Mobility: How Autocrats Came to Privilege Migration (Proposal to be submitted to publishers in the summer of 2025) International Relations in a Multipolar World (with Kal Demerew) (proposal to be submitted to publishers in the fall of 2025) Perspectives on Human Rights Diplomacy (ed) (with Erica Heinsen Roach)(proposal in conceptual stages) American Decency (early conceptual stages) ARTICLES, CHAPTERS, AND ESSAYS "Mixed Mobility: How Autocrats both blame and benefit from Immigration (article in progress; to be submitted in the spring 2025) "The Dark Side of Free Movement: How Privilege Informs and Shapes the Rights of Migrants and Refugees" CONFERENCE PAPERS The Democratic (Stability) Challenge in South Sudan, Presented at the 66th Annual African Studies Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, November 30-December 2, 2023. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: An Evolving Dynamic of Nile Politics. Paper presented at the ISA International Conference Exploring the Agency of the Global South in International Studies (Practices), Accra, Ghana, August1-3,2019. (with Derrick K Hudson) The Freedom of Movement and Global Populism: The Case of the European Union, Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 77nd Annual Conference, Chicago IL, April 4-7, 2019. Egypts Water Insecurity: The Challenges of Promoting the Cooperative Framework Agreement. Presented at the 60th Annual African Studies Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, November 16-18, 2017. Towards a Permanent Constitution in South Sudan. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Atlanta GA, March 18-21, 2016. Constitution Making and a Long-Term Peace Agreement in South Sudan: The Challenge of Nation Building in a Deeply Divided Society, Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, San Diego California, November 19-22, 2015. Taking Moral Commitments Seriously in International Relations Theory. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 72nd Annual Conference, Chicago IL, April 3-6, 2014. Historical Materialism and Multicultural Theory: Re-evaluating the Reasons for the Rise of Monoculturalism in Europe. Paper presented at the 16th Annual New Political Science-South Conference, Universidad de Habana, Havana Cuba, November 20-22, 2013. Secession as a Long-Term Coping Strategy? South Sudan and the Problem of Over-determined Foreign Intervention. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, April 3-6, 2013. The Politics of Decency: Moving Beyond the Limits of the Disembodied Decent Self. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 70th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 12-15, 2012. South Sudan: Adopting a Balanced and Sustainable Plan of Development. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 70th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 12-15, 2012. (With Derrick K. Hudson). "Legitimacy and Positive Complementarity: New Visions of Justice and Peace." Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 17-20, 2010. "Secession and Multinational Governance? The Case of Basque Nationalism." Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 30-September 2, 2007. "Decency, Human Rights, and the Cosmopolitan Challenge: Theorizing the Normativity of the ICC." Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, February 28-March 3, 2007. "Dialectics and Critical International Theory: Towards a Fifth Debate." Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, February 28-March 3, 2007. "The Darfur Genocide and International Criminal Justice: A Multidimensional Political Challenge." Paper presented at the Conference on Sovereign Immunity, Universal Jurisdiction, and Human Rights: The Global Implications of the Pinochet Case, Թϱ, Tampa, FL, September 11-12, 2006. "Whither or Whether Rawls's Law of Peoples? The Case of the International Criminal Court." Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, March 22-25, 2006. Humanitarian Coercion: Assessing the Strategic Role of Non-State Actors in the Kosovo War Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., September 1-4, 2005. U.S. Foreign Policy and the International Criminal Court: Future Directions and Implications. Paper presented at the International Studies Association-West Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 1-2, 2004. Targeting U.S. Opposition the International Criminal Court through a Strategic Statute Initiative. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 28-31, 2003. Humanitarianism and War: A Comparative Analysis of the Gulf War and Kosovo. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Portland, February 25-March 1, 2003. The Right to Local Self-Government vs. the Right to Self-Determination: Applying Otto Bauers Theory of the Nation to EU Integration. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, August 29-September 1, 1999. Islam and Democracy in North Africa. Paper presented at the Graduate School of International Studies Conference on Democracy, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, April 17-20, 1995. Sustainable Fiscal Measures and the European Union: The Dynamics of an EU Carbon Emissions Tax in a Sustainable Single Market Europe. The Twelfth Annual Graduate Student Conference; March 30-April 1, 1995, Columbia University, New York, New York. The Political Economy of Islam: Ideas, Measures, and Profit-Sharing. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Western Regional Conference, Seattle, Washington, October 13-16, 1994. OTHER CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION Panel Chair, Democracy and its Discontents, 66th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, San Francisco, November 30-December 2, 2023. Panel Chair, Once more into the Breach: Reading, Writing, and Performing War, International Studies Association Annual Convention, April 6-9, 2021. Roundtable Chair, Moral Responsibility in Twenty-First Century Warfare, International Studies Association Annual Convention, April 6-9, 2021. Invited Discussant, Northeast Scholar Circle Honoring Oumar Ba, Northeast Studies Association Northeast Region, 51st Annual Conference, November 8-9, 2019. Panel Chair, Regional Governance Institutions in Africa, 60th Annual African Studies Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, November 16-18, 2017 Panel Discussant, Constitution Making and a Long-Term Peace Agreements, the 58th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, San Diego California, November 19-22, 2015. Panel Chair, Strategies and Effects of Naming and Shaming, Midwest Political Science Association 72nd Annual Conference, Chicago IL, April 3-6, 2014. Panel Discussant, Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Cosmopolitan States, International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, April 3-6, 2013. Panel Chair, Legitimacy and (In)Justice, Midwest Political Science Association 70th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 12-15, 2012. Panel Discussant, NGOs and Crisis Management in Developing Countries, Midwest Political Science Association 70th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 12-15, 2012. Moderator, Discussion of Barry Stevens Documentary Film Prosecutor, Violence, Memory, and Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Թϱ, Tampa, FL, January 30-February 1, 2012. Panel Discussant, The Politics of Denial, Second Annual Armenian Studies Symposium, Թϱ, November 4, 2011. Roundtable Panelist, Political Ethics and the International Criminal Court, International Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 16-19, 2011. Panel Organizer, "The Politics of International Criminal Law in the 21st Century," Sovereign Immunity, Universal Jurisdiction, and Human Rights: The Global Implications of the Pinochet Case, Թϱ, Tampa, FL, September 11-12, 2006. Panel Discussant, "Global Party Formation: North-South Divide," International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, March 22-25, 2006. Panel Chair, "Diplomacy and Decision-Making: Weapons and War," International Studies Association West Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, October 1-2, 2004. INVITED TALKS/PRESENTATIONS The Existential Role of War Crimes. Workshop, Law and Ethics in European Security Policy, St. Andrews University, Scotland, UK. May 17, 2024. Panelist, Foreign Defense Partnerships in Global Competitive Market, Global and National Security, Tampa Summit, September 26-27, 2023. Moderator and Speaker, Panel on Remembering 9/11, Warehouse Arts District Association, Saint Petersburg, FL September 11, 2022. The Crisis of Decency in World Politics, the Cardiff School of Law and Politics, Cardiff, UK, April 29, 2021 Nile Basin Politics and the Issue of Regional Cooperation, The Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckert College (ASPEC) Saint Petersburg, FL, December 4, 2020. The Challenges of Governance in South Sudan. The Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckert College (ASPEC) Saint Petersburg, FL, October 3, 2020. Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Assessments Task Order: South Sudan, United States Congressional Briefing, Washington D.C., August 11, 2020. Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Assessments Task Order: South Sudan, United States State Department Briefing, Washington D.C., July 14, 2020. Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Assessments Task Order: South Sudan, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Briefing, Washington D.C., July 14, 2020. Politics of the Portrait-Photography as Activism Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, FL., October 11th, 2018. Speaker: The Freedom of Movement in Europe and Beyond A Basic Human Right or Restriction of Global Security? 5th Annual Human Rights Conference, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL, April 23, 2016. The Universality of the Nuremberg Principles, Workshop at the Annual Forum of the Nuremberg Academy, Nuremberg, Germany, November 20-21, 2015. Ethics and Political Leadership in Global Politics, Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement, Թϱ, Tampa, FL, February 5, 2014. Keynote Speaker, New World Threats in the 21st Century, The Թϱ Intelligence Program, Թϱ, Tampa, FL, June 28, 2012. Peaceful Justice? The International Criminal Court and Global Security, Hennebach Guest Lecture Series Program, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, November 11, 2011. The Triumph of Evil: A Discussion of the Rwanda Genocide, Թϱ, Tampa, FL, November 16, 2010. Peace versus Justice? The Security Challenges Facing the International Criminal Court, The Department of Anthropology and the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Center, Թϱ, October 15, 2010. "The Trials of Justice? The Role of the International Criminal Court in Stopping and Preventing Genocide," Transnational Justice: From Nuremberg to Tokyo to the International Criminal Court, Kingston University, London, July 17-18, 2009. Keynote Speaker, "The International Criminal Court and the Politics of Justice: Stopping the Genocide in Sudan," International Studies School Association, Tampa, FL., January 19-20, 2009. Keynote Speaker, "Brokering New Solutions to Global Problems: The United Nations in the 21st Century," United Nations Association, Tampa, FL, September 27, 2008. "The War on Terror and US Compliance with the Geneva Conventions," ROTC, Թϱ, October 18, 2007. "Rawls's Law of Peoples, Human Rights, and the International Criminal Court," Symposium on "Global Justice, Sovereign Power and International Law," Vrij Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 22-23, 2007. "The International Criminal Court and U.S. Foreign Policy: Reassessing the Prospects for US Cooperation," Colloquium on the International Criminal Court, Stetson University College of Law, Gulfport FL, October 18, 2006. FUNDING/GRANTS External Guggenheim Grant, Guggenheim Foundation, Authoritari Mobility, to be submitted in Fall 2025. Research/Teaching Grant, U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program, 2020-2021, $15,000 Research Grant, U.S. State Department, USAID DRG Assessment, South Sudan, 2019-20, $37,000 Research Grant, Taylor & Francis Publishers, 2005, $7,000 International Studies Association, Travel Grant, 2004, $250. Institute of Western Europe Conference Grant, Columbia University, 1995, $1500. Internal Humanities Institute Summer Research Grant, Թϱ, 2016, $5000. Faculty Research and Development Grant, Թϱ, 2007, $1000. Humanities Institute Summer Research Grant, Թϱ, 2007, $5000. COURSES TAUGHT GRADUATE Human Rights: Theories and Approaches, Human Rights and International Institutions Seminar in Global Governance Foundations of Political Inquiry Global Ethics and Nationalism Seminar in International Relations Issues in Global Governance National Identity and Global Order International Law and Organizations Nationalism and Authoritarianism UNDERGRADUATE International Organizations Introduction to International International Human Rights International Wealth and Power National Identity and Global Order Senior Seminar Introduction to Comparative Politics Problems in International Relations Latin America Contemporary Political Thought Senior Seminar: Globalization Theory Ethnicity and Conflict Resolution Political Systems and Ideas American Government GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT ADVISING Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee: M. Partaw (defended, 2024), S. Chakrabarti (defended 2024), Y. Akdag (defended, 2023), K. Demerew (defended, 2023), B. Luongo (defended, 2019), R. Dayerizadeh (defended, 2018), S. Mitchell (defended, 2017), J. Libengood (2020-), A. El- Fayez (2021-), A. Dalle (2022-). Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee: J Casanova (defended 2022); E. Hart (2018-). J. Mantey (2024-), Al Jaberi (2024- Chair, Master's Thesis Committee: O. Adepitan (defended, 2020), M. Assaad (defended, 2019), Y. Akdag (defended, 2017), C.J. Gerber (defended 2016), J. Libengood (defended, 2015), T. Pazienza (defended, 2014), G. Johnson (defended, 2012), A. Johansen (defended, 2012), K. Weaver (defended, 2010), B. Luongo (defended, 2009) Member, Master's Thesis Committee: Grant Peeler (2020), H. Ozkarakaya (defended 2019), S. Senturk (defended 2019), D. Nesbitt (defended 2015), A. Golob (defended, 2014), R OConnor (defended, 2013), M. Duran-Sanchez (defended, 2013), C. Arjoon (defended, 2013), S. Wolfberg (defended, 2012), J. Lockwood (defended, 2010), J. Torok (defended, 2009), G. Herron (defended, 2009), T. Lynch (defended, 2008) Chair, Bachelor's Honors Thesis Committee: K Clark (defended, 2018), D Awshah (defended, 2018), N. Pehar (defended, 2012), J. Deleanides (defended, 2009), S. Madusoodanan (defended, 2009), M. Lacevic (defended, 2009), K. Bacca (defended, 2008), S. Becker (defended, 2006) Member, Bachelor's Honors Thesis Committee: K Podymova (defended 2017) E. McCready (defended, 2012), S. Bogucki (defended, 2009), B. Brown (defended, 2009), D. Weber (defended, 2008) PH.D. PLACEMENTS Shomik Chakrabarti, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of North Texas, Dallas. Yavuz Akdag, Assistant Professor (tenure track), Hakkari University, Turkey. James Libengood, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Pasco-Hernando State College, Florida Kal Demerew, Assistant Professor (tenure track), West Texas A&M, Clayton, Texas. Ben Luongo, Assistant Professor, (tenure track), Union College, Barbourville, Kentucky Sommer Mitchell, Assistant Teaching Professor, Pennsylvania State University-University Park Raheleh Dayerizadeh, Director of Global Citizen Project, Թϱ-Tampa DEPARTMENT AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE Member, T&P Committee for the School of Social Science, 2024--2025 Chair, Committee on Promotion to Full Professor (2022-) Member, Assistant Professor of International Security and Areas Studies Search Committee (2022-) Undergraduate Advisor, PACE student organization (2022-) Graduate Director, Ph.D. Program and three Masters Degree Programs (2018-2021) Director, the ԹϱAmsterdam and The Hague Study Abroad Group (2019-2020) Chair, Committee on Promotion to Full Professor (2019) Chair, Faculty Executive Committee, Social Sciences (2016-2018) Member, Visiting Assistant Professor in International Relations/Political Theory (2017) Chair, Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam IR Committee (2014) Member, Assistant Professor of Political Theory Search Committee (2012-2013) Member, Governance Document Revision Committee (2012) Faculty Advisor, Student-Led Division of the Genocide Intervention Network (STAND), (2010-2016) Member, Graduate Committee (2012-14) Chair, International Relations Comprehensive Exam Committee (2009-2010) Member, International Relations Comprehensive Exam Committee (2007, 2008, 2010, 2011) Member, Committee on Ph.D. Curriculum (2009) Member, International Relations Undergraduate Curricula Committee (2008, 2009, 2010) Chief Representative, College of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Committee (2010-2011) Member, College of Arts and Sciences, Grievance Committee, (2011-2012) Member, College of Arts and Sciences, Social Sciences Undergraduate Committee (2010-2011) Member of the Initial Advisory Board to the Թϱ Libraries, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Center (2008) Faculty Advisor, Model United Nations, Colorado State University- Pueblo (2002-2003) President, Colgate University Northern California Alumni Association (1992-1994; received most revitalized alumni regional association award in 1993) SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION AND COMMUNITY Editor, SUNY Press Book Series, Ethics and the Challenges of Contemporary Warfare. Editorial Advisory Board, Brill Book Series. Critical Emotion Studies Global Advisory Board of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Board Member and Director, United Nations Association, Tampa Chapter Editorial Board: Politics and Governance, Globalizations, Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies, Human Rights and Human Welfare Fulbright National Screening Committee Journal Referee: African Peace and Conflict Journal, American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cooperation and Conflict, Ethics and International Affairs, Ethnicities, Ethnopolitics, European Journal of International Relations, European Journal of International Security, Globalizations, Global Constitutionalism, Global Governance, Human Rights and Human Welfare, Human Rights Review, International Affairs, International Journal of Human Rights, International Journal of Peace and Development Studies, International Journal of River Basin Management, International Journal of Transitional Justice, International Politics, International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Association Compendium Project, International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, International Theory, Israel Law Review, Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Human Security, Journal of International Political Theory, Journal of International Relations and Development, Laws, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Moral Philosophy and Politics, New Political Science, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Political Research Quarterly, Political Studies, Politics and Governance, Review of International Studies, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. Book Referee: Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, MIT Press, University of Michigan Press, State University Press of New York (SUNY) Press, Routledge, CQ Press, Palgrave MacMillan, Rowman & Littlefield, Continuum (Bloomsbury), Houghton-Mifflin, Pearson/Longman, McGraw Hill, Kluwer, Wadsworth, Bridgepoint Education. Reviewer for the Grawemeyer World Order Award. Reviewer for External Grants: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, The Freiburg School of Advanced Studies, the Swiss National Science Foundation, The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research External Referee for Tenure and Promotion: Royal Holloway College of London, University of Texas at Tyler, Colorado School of Mines, Eckerd College Review Board for Culture and Politics Section: Bridgepoint Education Publishers MEDIA/CONSULTING Is Corruption Blocking South Sudans Path to Peace, Podcast Interview, GNSI, USF, Dec. 11, 2024. Defense witness for South Sudanese defendant, Snohomish County Public Defender, Oct 29, 2024. On the Alarming Russia-Iran Cooperation, Weekly Gulan Magazine, Interview June 18, 2023 Professors are feeling the chill from DeSantis legislation, Miami Herald, Interview Aug 28, 2022 Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance, Tetra Tech/USAID, Country Expert, 2020 Finding a Solution in South Sudan, Pathfinder Strategic Services, Interview, June 27, 2017. Affective Values in International Relations, E-International Relations, Interview, Nov. 1, 2016. The ICCs Credibility Problem in Africa, Los Angeles Times, Interview, Oct 28, 2016. Human Rights Risks and the Banking Industry, Verisk Maplecroft, Interview, January 6, 2016. The Next ICC Prosecutor, Folha d S.Paulo, Interview, December 8, 2011. ,The Armenian Genocide, WMNF 88.5 Radio, Interview, November 5, 2011. Kosovos Independence, Gulan Political Weekly, Interview, December 6, 2007. Sadaam Husseins Trial, KBIA Radio, National Public Radio, June 29, 2006. The Decision to Invade Iraq, KCSJ 590 AM Radio, Interview, March 21, 2003. Iraq and Weapons Inspection, KCSJ 590 AM Radio, Interview, March 3, 2003. Colin Powells Speech to the UN Security Council, Pueblo Chieftan, Interview, February 5 2003. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP International Studies Association American Political Science Association African Studies Association British International Studies Association     ktwxy{|}   C D `    ¾}yuqh&h6Ah!UhuyHhhmh(&h7h%h'5h%hp5 h65hAh?vLhVTah4%9h'hphq~hTHhG+R5CJ h255CJ h|5CJ hC85CJ hY5CJ h15CJhTHhq~5CJ hq~56,} D `   %"$]gdAt< %$]gdAt<  %$]gdAt<gd%gd%$a$gd%$a$gde ^`gdq~D]D^`gdD    2 3 4 ; <      ! 0 y { ˱ǩ˥}yyyh"qh%h"q5h%hp5 h65 hZ;hZ;hZ;h'h~"hbhmhU2h" hb:h' h&hc<hGyh!Uhmh4%9hc< hb:h&hhmH sH hPhmH sH h7huyHh/ 0 OH+[Vgd6gd% ^`gdfgdUgd%gdZ;gd%  %$]gd0*24HNOH$+[V ŽŨɽɽɁhPh6mH sH hjhj6H*] h6B*fHph q h\/h\/h7|Yhjhj6]h~hDh\/h6h%h65 h65 h-p5 h|5h%h"q5h-phUhilh"qhp=2VRSTbcijst>?\]gd%gdDgd2:Vgd?gdrgdRgd>pgdgd%gd%gd6 (>QRST`bchijkrstz7ABCZ[¾|xng` h2:V6] h?6]hY}h?6]h.hh1hhq h;y h?6he\?h?6h?h\{hr6hrhc[ hKS>*h>ph>p>*h>p ht5h'h%h'5h%hp5 h65h"q hh6h6hh66h;Jh66%<=>?CJKt|YZ\]bc}voj hu6 hhl hhohoh\{ho6h\{h'6 h'6 hh'h( Xh!Uhh"X_h\{h;B6hUh;Bh,Ah/Y%h/Y%CJhI.h/Y% h~ 6 ht6 hG+R6 hW6 hK6 h 6hcoh)Ch2:Vh\*) (-.Z[\qRTq}yuyqhW3hhc~ h4x6h\{hsI@6h\{ho6 hl 6 h\{ho h\{h'h(iho6h\{h'6 h'6 h4xh'h:h@BhFhxh=&2h( XhZ~hZhu hohohohsI@hh'6h',YZ45Wgd.Igd gd%gd>pgd% EHI`bx¾ڣ{vvq h=6 h6 hJ6 h^6 hA6H* hA6 hdk6 hZ6hoh h>phoh~"hVhhbhThc hc6 hc] ht6 hc[6haBhc[h0 h>p>*h>ph>p>* h >*h'hc~ h -,12GXYZ_`ef Nst  345:;pxѿh>ph>p6 h\h>phh>p6 hh>phyh+Fh>p6 h>p6hTh>p6h&Th>ph::hmHsH h}h h6h~"hjhhRh\*h1h[h|:ho hZ62ATUVWX\]_ ,CDFRTotuvƼƸƮƪΦ{whShqhi hi 6] hi 6]h@h@6]h;AhZU%hZ&h@hyuh^Ch"6]hfhYh"6]h"h^ChY hfn5h%h'5 h5h%hp5h P h>p6h>p hh>p,WX!"m a!b!""""##gd%gd'gd%gd%gd.I !"4Odfg| ƾ®ª¦¢{wsh!hNh|h}7h1>h1>6h,ah*? h/ @h1>h/ @h1>6h1>hXh&]h)8hl hl 6hxhshl hqHI h.Ih.Ihf =hOM h.I6hJ hmhJhPphvRkh.Ih@ h@h@-+<?@Yeklm~ @ G T } ŹűŞwogh%h% 5h%hkZ5h%hj _5 h'5 h'h'h\{h'6 hilh'h' hyh AhmdshwhSh1>h A6hh Ah> h Ah AhRrh!6h!h~"h h1>h>gh>g6h>ghdhnhh&]( !!=!>!@!Q!R!V!W!`!a!b!f!g!l!s!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""l""Ž{tldZh%hHZt56h%hHZt5h%h# O5 h%h]$~ h%h)2 h%hDh%ho16h%h% 6hH h%hHh=; h%hkZ h%hj _ h%ho1h%h5h%h-5h%hj _5h%hD5h%h]$~56h%hH5h%hZN5h%h]$~5#""""""#l#########$$$3$6$7$k$l$$$$$$$%!%@%[%\%%%%%%%׾{wojwwfhGh h2q>5h1>h2q>6h2q>hj _ hH56h%h456h%h45 hjd#5 h0hjd#h\{hjd#6 hNhjd#hjd# h%hHZth%hHZt56 h~"5hChC56hChC5hChHZt5h*? hHZt5h%hHZt5h%hK5(#6$7$$$[%\%%%7&8&&&9':'''D(E((())-*.***+gd2q>gd%gd%gdjd#%%&&&(&)&.&7&8&>&?&@&y&&&&&&&&&&''(')'+'.'9':'@''''''''''(!(2(8(C(D(E(L((((((((((k)))))ǿǺh1>hu6 hnhuh1>h|6hu h'5h1>hDxl6hDxl hnh'hn hn5hoh5h0VhZN hD5h1>h'6hGhh'>))****"*-*.*5*********k+~++++++++++,4,:,E,F,G,T,U,V,Y,Z,[,t,u,~,,,,,,,,,ŽŹhyhbi hbi6 ht6 ht] hi] haB] hbi]h?h%h'5 h'5hQXh1>hHZt6hHZt hLiQhLiQhGhThVxh1>hDxl6hDxlhGhhZNhnh1>h'6h'3++E,F,G,U,V,----..//0011h2i2223344gdgd gd}Ugd%gd%,-------!-$-%-/-^-`-a-d----------------...X.^.`.c.l.m.v.x......þô~zh4h.q h"6hhW36 h46h"h"6h Eh hpkihW3hrh hi6 ht] ht6 hi]hihi6 hi\^Jhvht\hvht5 ht\hpehaBhihyhbi....../P///////0050A0B00000000!191E1F111111112 2222>2e2f2g2h2i2j2m2n2p2q2z22222222𿿻୥hRE h)P=6h)P=h]jh]j6h< B h# 6 h]j6hJh]jh"hPThcG hA6H* hA6 h 6h h2h\{hW36hW3h\wh#_vhyG;233_333333333344F444444444444444>55555555555556#6666666666ƿ껷ꯧޟ֗ꏋ<hahhahhah6hanh?hFh@6hFh}U6hPFhV h@h}Uh@h.qhahh@6hahh}U6h_^Ehcoh&Th}UhCh6]h_Sh545566q7r78899q:r:,;-;<<R=S=F>G>??????gd%gd>vgd%gd2gd}U66637\7n7o7p7q7r7v7w7y7z7777778;88888888 9E9999999:=:F:H:N:m:o:ļұҩҙٕyyqh\{ho6h\{h'6h'hnh3rh\{hB6hBh!h hohe ~h\{h!6h. hihihihi5 h5h5 h5h! 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